The Day the Music Died
KIOA Frosty Mitchell News Report
Comments by Phil Thomas


February 3, 1959 KIOA 940:  Frosty Mitchell didn’t have a news guy that morning and had to run with the story himself. Either Bob Betts didn’t come in until 6AM or was sick. I don’t know. My guess is Mitchell heard clanging bells on the wires when he walked in. KIOA had 3 wire services. Only Mitchell, in radio newsrooms, probably grasped the significance of much of pop music being silenced by a crash. There was more than a hint of hysteria in Mitchell’s voice that day.

This sound bite has been used in documentaries about the the tragedy.

What better source is there than KIOA for this news report that fateful morning.

KIOA Frosty Mitchell "Day the Music Died" news report


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